1 triptych painting to sand, 1 mask, 1 magic wand and 1 coat of arms to complete with self-adhesive foam mosaics, 1 moon-shaped dream catcher to gild and complete with origami, 3 paper saucers to personalize with stickers, 2 small boxes and 1 grimoire to assemble. Ideal for dreaming of spells or potions as a professional, this creative leisure box contains: 2 tubes of sand, 4 metallic sheets, 5 boards of self-adhesive foam mosaics, gold thread, 1 elastic band, 1 sheet of stickers, 6 sheets origami, 1 wooden stylus, 3 sheets for the casseroles, 3 sticker boards, 3 pre-cut boards, 1 mask, 1 mask, 1 instructions.